Sweet Corn, Silver King SE (82 Days)

Sweet Corn, Silver King SE (82 Days)

From $5.75


A white homozygous SE from the original producer of Silver Queen. More than 10 days earlier than Silver Queen.  Ears are 8 inches long, 2 inches in diameter with 16 – 18 rows of pure white, creamy kernels. The medium green husk provides good cover. Tolerance to common rust, northern leaf blight and stewart’s wilt.

Seed is treated with Captan, a non-systemic fungicide that protects the seed and seedlings from soil borne and seedborne pathogens and improves performance.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

250 Seeds = .11 lb, 500 Seeds = .221 lb, 1000 Seeds = .442 lb, 2000 Seeds = .883 lb, 5000 Seeds = 2.208 lb, 10000 Seeds = 4.417